I have really become interested in photo projects and have been looking at how to share these projects properly. This is something I have been working on for several months and I have collected quite a few images at this point and am starting to think I have enough for either a showing at a gallery or a book… and that scares me a little.
You see, I am one of those people that takes the safe routes in life… Most people that know me will say I am adventurous but in reality, I will stick to what I know and normally will not venture into things I dont know very fast. I will research a new concept to me for a long time before taking it on myself and step away safely if it is too uncomfortable…
This is just some of the images I have collected for this project so far…
So when I say that I am almost ready to make a book or try to get a gallery to show my work, that is big news coming from me.
I have several projects running in parallel right now, but the main one is a project on negative space that I am almost done collecting images for, then it will be the sorting and seeing if they work better as a book or a gallery. I don’t know a lot about how galleries operate, but I do know that I would like to see my work in one at some point.
Another project I am working on is one on urban decay in the Chattanooga area that I have been working on some. It is not as near close to finished but I have been working on it…
I love negative space photos for some reason, so I am always looking for them.
I have found that if you have a goal with your photography then you will get up and go shoot photos on the days you don’t feel like it. I have tried it both ways and the days that don’t have a goal typically end with nothing constructive coming from them. So it is really important to me to have a goal with the day or I don’t seem to get much done. Maybe it will work different for you, but that is how it works for me.
Do you have any cool projects you have been working on? Are you finished and already have them in a book or gallery? Do you have any tips on how to work with galleries?
Thanks and get your camera out and take a picture with it.