WK4DS Ham Radio Blog Table of Contents
I decided to create this for people that wanted to look back over my blog and find articles that might not be showing up on the blog page now. I will update this list about once per month so the titles will be easy to find with the most recent posts being at the bottom of the list.
First Post about my radio activities and discovering POTA
Tough conditions, dead batteries and a lot of amateur radio fun.
Got something magical in the mail today from my POTA radio time!
Back to K-2169! I get the luck of the draw and the bands cooperate!
What is my POTA Amateur Radio activation kit as of July 2022?
After Action Report for K-6243 Activation - Learned something new today.
A quick trip to Prentice Cooper WMA for a POTA Activation...sorta
ARRL Amateur Radio Field Day 2022 After Action Report from a CW op.
The WK4DS POTA Hunter Station Amateur Radio (and a little ragchewing too)
What have I learned from documenting my antenna position?
Long lost friends in amateur radio
Straying from 20 meters…
10 things to do during the terrible band conditions with amateur radio
High Temp Activation
Huntsville Hamfest 2022 AAR
How high does your antenna need to be?
The Elecraft K1 goes out for a POTA activation!
Stranger (Ham Radio) things... have happened to me lately with QRP.
QSL Mail call !!!
Ham Radio Activation for POTA at Park K-2169
I bought a new field paddle key and I have a problem.
My new travel CW key failed on its third POTA outing...
Simplifying antenna tuning with a manual tuner and a nano VNA on location.
Quickie activation of K-2175 (Fort McAllister State Historic Site)
Why do I want to buy so many ham radios???
A good day in the field for QRP CW...
"Trucktenna" for winter POTA outings with some AAR info about how it works.
Wormsloe State Historic Area POTA AAR
The Penntek TR-35 activates POTA K-2169 gloriously!
Some days are better than expected in spite of band conditions.
Monte Sano State Park POTA Activation AAR with a 20m Hamstick
Cool gadgets in amateur radio that work on the air.
I used Modern Digital Modes and I have mixed feelings.
K-2169 POTA Activation at the very foot of a MOUNTAIN - AAR
Ten Tec Argonaut 5 goes to the park and then gets a new fan!
POTA in the rain, it is still fun if you go prepared for it.
How well do compromise antennas actually work?
Trouble activating K-1878 Hillsborough River State Park in Florida!
Winter Field Day K4SOD Style
Activating POTA site K-5524 in central Florida in January 2023
Today I activated the smallest park I have personally ever seen.
POTA that turns out really good for QRP radio!
Dalton Hamfest 2023 for a Ten Tec radio junkie…
A super cold (for me) POTA CW ham radio activation
What draws me to QRP?
The simplest radio and antenna setup I know of…
Activating a park in Hawaii with with the Elecraft K1
One tough activation!
Activating an Off-road Vehicle Area is not always a great idea.
A “quickie” POTA activation…lol
A bunch of POTA activating in one day.
Today is the day I went roving in POTA parks.
A centurion style activation that almost didnt happen…
Who owns a POTA “activation”?
My activation with 9/10th of a watt… on CW.
So I have had this nagging thought about toroids.
One of the reasons I like POTA
My 80th Activation of K-2169
AAR from a couple of short activations
A picnic table activation for a change!
I finally went to a different park!!!
There is something therapeutic about CW and QRP for me.
Quickie Activation with some cool DX!
July 1 2023 Morning Activation AAR
Testing a new power pack for backpacking…
Band conditions can be evaluated quickly.
How about this new tiny CW keyer I bought?
Some days you just make a mistake…
Activating a park in Louisiana was different…
Activating a park on the side of the road.
2023 Huntsville Hamfest from the view of a vendor this time!!!
222mhz Repeater upgrades for better reliability.
15 meter POTA activation with DX!
Component failure sucks…
Overcast POTA activation strikes gold!
The weather can be fickle…
A couple of quick activations testing the antennas
DX QSL Cards are Awesome!!!
Testing a new antenna AND CW key during a POTA activation!
Counterpoise testing during a POTA Activation
The Penntek TR-35 goes QRO with the OUTCOM OPA-202 Amplifier
A POTA activation that was incredibly rewarding!!!
POTA Activation AAR and some antenna testing.
Finally got my sBitx V2 radio…so I went to a park!!!
Activated a new-to-me park today! K-3958
Activating K-1832 Anastasia SP in Florida!
Activating K-2169 and some notes about radials and SWR that I saw today...
K-6307 Herky Huffman/ Bull Creek WMA Activation AAR
A quickie activation at Cloudland Canyon
sBitx V2 Amateur Transceiver Mods for POTA Use
2 x POTA Activations plus a new to me mode! FT8 has entered the chat!
Something special finally happened to me at a POTA park...
Activated The Great Smokey Mountain National Forest
Activated Cold Mtn K-6895 TWICE
Tallulah Gorge K-2202 AAR
Broken antennas and a quick activation at K-2169 is what ham radio is all about!
A quite soggy activation of sorts
Winter Field Day 2024
Got an activation in right before 2400 UTC with the deer!
How well does 17 meters work?
Two days- Hamcation and two POTA parks!
A 2 park…digital rove on New Years Day???
A Frozen activation…
15 meters was on FIRE TODAY!
Back in Florida and at a park!!!
Little Manatee River State Park K-1898
Cypress Creek Preserve K-7389
en Tec treasure hunting #1
My hamfest "radio" adventure
WA4MCM SWR/Wattmeter
Quickie CW Activation
Broke out the Penntek TR-35 for a change.
Sometimes it is nice to have a slower day
I have a Penntek TR-35 QRP radio and it keeps growing...
40 meters QRP is FUN!
Tire station…
Vintage gear is sus…
SBitx V3 Radio goes to the park
POTA Park Redemption
Getting a quick activation in…
Digital only POTA Activation using FT8 on the sBitx V3
Classic CW Activation!!! Ten Tec Argonaut V for the win!
Scout…ing for contacts POTA style
Dual radio POTA activation? Sure!
POTA on the 4th of July…hold for second operator.
Testing the DROK 5 volt regulator for the sbitx V2/V3 Amateur Transceiver
Dual POTA activations US-0716
Raccoon creek WMA POTA with the sBitx V3 SDR transceiver
Moving out for POTA at US-0716
Eagles nest activation
Triple mode activation at US-2169 with 2 radios!
A shorted diode…and the sBitx
POTA at US-0716 with only Digital Modes...
Roadside POTA in the rain for the win!
Working on the microphone input of my sBitx
POTA AAR using 3 modes on the sBitx transceiver
sBitx V3 HF radio special functions
Finally got back in the groove!
Activating a park in bad conditions
Jumping on 40 meters right quick…
Getting back to my roots…with CW
Rainy day CW POTA is the best...for me.
Go bag POTA!
A simple POTA activation
POTA, HF Signals & Ten Tec
1 POTA, 2 Radios, 3 Modes and 4 Bands!
Why I don’t use the sBitx radio for other modes anymore…
Adding to a kit…the Elecraft T1 Antenna Tuner
Two radios and two modes POTA.
Changes are coming!!!